The Kerala Region Latin Catholic Council (KRLCC) is the apex policy making body of Latin Catholics in Kerala. On 24th May 2002 the Latin Catholic Bishops’ Council formally inaugurated KRLCC a larger complimentary body to make the functioning of the Latin Church in Kerala board based and functionally participatory. The concerns of KRLCC are fulfilled through the functioning of the various commissions of Kerala Region Latin Catholic Bishops’ Council (KRLCBC). Family based on the values of Christ is a paramount dimension of the Family Apostolate of each diocese. It is in this context Family Apostolate of 12 Latin diocese together gives birth to RC Matrimonial.
RC Matrimonial provides a platform for the young men and women of Latin Catholic Community and other Catholics to get to know each other to engage and establish themselves in marriage.
RC Matrimonial is owned and administered by the Family Commission, KRLCBC. Rt. Rev. Dr. Joseph Kariyil, the president of KRLCBC, is the Patron. Rt. Rev. Dr. Joseph Karikkassery is the Chairman. It is executed by the directors of 12diocese. Fr. Dr. A R John is the secretary to the Commission. Copyright 2010-'25. All Rights Reserved.
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